Dear Pregnant Mama, the Gospel Transforms Your Pregnancy

Dear Pregnant Mama,

Pregnancy can be so difficult and we can so easily forget just how amazing pregnancy is. If you're feeling sick, discouraged, or down about the physical or emotional symptoms that so often come along with pregnancy, let me help encourage you.How incredible is it to know that God entrusted a little person’s life to you? That He is molding a child, made in His image, in your womb? It is grace, and it is a miracle… That we are invited into the process of God’s creation, and we become the vessel for His miracle.Pregnancy is that life-giving vessel, a nine-month journey and walk into a new reality for your family. The miracle is the little life in the womb - whose heart beats at just 14 days from conception, before we can even confirm a positive pregnancy test. Life is beautiful, and new life is redemptive.We all know that God values life, as the psalmist confirms this and declares in Psalm 139:13

“For you formed my inner parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” It is in the secret place, inside a mother’s womb, that new life is created.

There is also confirmation of this throughout the Bible. Consider Luke 1. When Mary found out she was pregnant with Jesus, the coming Savior, she left for her cousin Elizabeth’s home for a number of months. Upon her arrival, something spectacular happened that brings pregnancy into a gospel light:

“And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Luke 1:41, ESV)

This baby grew up to be John the Baptist, Jesus’ older cousin who “paved the way for the Lord” and baptized Jesus at the beginning of His earthly ministry (Matthew 3:13-17).See also: 26 Pregnancy and Labor Bible Verses

God values pregnancy

God values pregnancy, as He values His children, from the moment of conception unto their last breath on this side of eternity. Jesus knew this well, as He is at once human and fully God come to earth; His life and ministry outlined in the gospels shows this value to be true. If we continue look at pregnancy through a Gospel lens, we learn that there is great joy to be had in the process, notably in us being invited into God’s process of creation, as a vessel for His glory to be made known.The gospel takes the uncomfortable moments of pregnancy and redeems the picture for us. The gospel turns the picture of pregnancy into one of promise, of a new life. The gospel redeems pregnancy; It is no longer nine months of a woman’s life to be feared or stuck in discontent for how our bodies our changing (for better or worse - considering stretch marks!)In light of the redemption of the cross, we can exchange our sometimes negative views of pregnancy for ones of grace.Because of the cross, discomfort for a growing belly is now seen as grace for a fruitful womb.“Morning sickness” woes are seen as glory that pregnancy is progressing as God designed, and our bodies are housing new life.Stretch marks are transformed into “battle wounds,” as evidence left long after our child is born to life.More frequent bathroom breaks due to our ever-increasing belly are no longer seen as interruptions to our everyday, but as welcome minutes of respite, reminders to take a breath and pray for our child growing and what God is doing in our lives.The onset of labor is seen as a gift and invitation into God’s creative process, a pivotal moment in one’s life, rather than a fearful emergency - Because in all this, we know Jesus walks with us. Yes, throughout pregnancy, and yes, even in labor.See also: A Prayer For When You're Waiting On God 

Jesus Is Present With You

By His presence, we have no reason to fear. By the grace of Jesus Christ, our pregnancy is redeemed as celebration. We are no longer walking through our days leading to motherhood in fear, but in daily communion and prayer with Jesus Christ, knowing that He will carry us through the pivotal events to come. 

The Gospel Transforms Pregnancy

The gospel redeems and transforms pregnancy, and our lives are proof of this.In light of the cross, the fear of pregnancy is replaced with Truth of what Jesus is doing in us and through us - as vessels for His creation. He transforms our lives with salvation. If He blesses us with childbearing, He will transform us through it. He is faithful.Pregnancy in light of the gospel is an honor and a gift, and Jesus celebrates every new life with us - from conception to birth and beyond.Dear Pregnant Mama, The Gospel Transforms Your Pregnancy - Christ Centered Mama Christian #pregnancy #christianmotherhood #christianmom #christianmama #christcenteredmama 

About the Author

Katherine Newsome runs Simple Natural Mama, the home for moms of faith who own that crunchy mom and simple living kind of life! SNM aims to share intentional, faith-based words of encouragement and resources to help you live a full life. Think of it this way: “Jesus-loving crunchy mama meets Becoming Unbusy!” Read more of Katherine's writing at 

What about you?

Are you currently expecting? How does the Gospel impact your pregnancy or laboring process? 


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