A Father's Day Tribute To My Husband

Fathers are so underrated. And often humiliated in media. Let's dispel the myth right now that fathers are disconnected, disinterested, and distant. My husband is a fantastic father to his children. It makes my heart soar watching him pour into the lives and hearts of our children. So, it's been on my heart to write him a Father's Day Tribute.To my husband on Father's Day...A Father's Day Tribute To my Husband Christian Parenting Christ-Centered Mama Biblical MotherhoodThere are so many things I want to say to you this Father's Day, but perhaps I'll start with.... Ben Hardee Cyrus Hardee Christian Parenting Biblical MotherhoodI see you.I see all you do for us.And I see how deeply you love your family.I see your heart as it has grown into fatherhood and it is so attractive to me.God gave these children to you because He knew you would give them just what they needed.I see your worries. You may think you're doing it all wrong, because no one can prepare you for the joy, worry, stress, and excitement that come along with parenthood.Ben Hardee Cyrus HardeeBut when I see how our children look at you, it's obvious that you're doing a great job.I see your hard work, love, faith, and your dedication to our children. I hope our children grow up to be just like you.Husband, I see how good of a father you are, and you deserve recognition today and every day.Words can't fully express how much we love you.But I'll try.You are the father that I wanted for my children. You kiss our newborn on the forehead and pick our toddler up when he's fallen on the concrete pad. Regularly you lead me in prayer and you lead our children in prayer. You recite memorized Scripture to me, and you help our toddler memorize Scripture and spiritual songs.I hope our son turns out like you. And I hope our daughter marries a man like you.I couldn't fully grasp how much love a family could share until I gave birth to our children and watched you love on them. It's often more than my heart can handle.Thank you for all you do for us.   Want more like this Father's Day Tribute? See also: 24 Bible Verses About Family  and 19 Beautiful Bible Verses About Motherhood   *If you purchase a book from the below recommendations (or purchase anything using the search bar), The ministry of Christ-Centered Mama might receive a small commission from your purchase that will not affect your cost. Thanks for your support!*A Father's Day Tribute To my Husband Christian Parenting Christ-Centered Mama Biblical Motherhood Fatherhood              Photography courtesy of Rebekah Partridge Photography

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