Introducing The Dwell Journal

Hello friends! I spoke with nearly a hundred Christian moms via the Christ-Centered Mama Facebook Page, the Private Christ-Centered Mama Facebook Group, as well as Instagram DMs, and more, and you told me you wanted a tool to make getting into the Bible easier. You wanted something guided, but open-ended. And lastly, you wanted one page per day. So, I'm pleased to introduce you to the Dwell Journal! With the help of some friends, I put together The Dwell Journal, based on Paul's prayer for the Ephesian people recorded in Ephesians 3:17-19, which is also my prayer for the Christ-Centered Mama community." that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Rooted and Established in Christ's Love Christ-Centered Mama 

Why the Dwell Journal?

Because through Christ's words dwelling in my heart, I am rooted and established, able to weather storms that come my way.Where can I purchase a copy?If you are interested in learning more about the Dwell Journal or purchasing your copy, it's available on Amazon. Check it out here. Here's a little more information from the back cover: Studying the Bible doesn't have to be hard.If you're not sure where to start, or are struggling with being consistent in God's Word, try this 12-week guided Bible study journal to help you get on a fulfilling and exciting path in your quiet time with the Lord. Through dwelling on God's word, you'll be rooted and established in Christ. Each week focuses on a different topic; areas that will convict you and encourage you to apply what you have learned as the Holy Spirit lives and moves through you to accomplish His work.Inside this journal you'll find a place to:

  • Write Bible verses for deeper reflection and internalization
  • Record what you learn as you study God's Word
  • Reflect on ways to apply what you've read
  • Record things you are thankful for
  • Keep track of prayer requests and answered prayers

Dwelling in God's word is exciting and enriching. Let's dive into the Father's love letter and see how it impacts our lives and the lives of those around us. 

What about you?

Are you interested in picking up your copy of The Dwell Journal? What features would you like to see in a future prayer/Bible Study journal?The Dwell Journal Christ-Centered Mama 

Get connected!

We want you to join the Christ-Centered Mamas Facebook group! Come and ask questions and be encouraged by other Christian moms. It was mainly this group that sourced the ideas for the Dwell Journal, so it's a valuable and beautiful community to me, and to the other moms in the group! Join today, because we will be going through the Dwell Journal together! Start Studying the Bible with this Bible Study Journal - Christ-Centered Mama #biblestudy #wordbeforeworld #jesusandcoffee #intheword #devo #bibleverse


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