Why Is Motherhood So Hard? A Gospel Look at Mothering

Overwhelmed. Undernourished. Constantly pouring out what little energy she has.A mother gives of her time, emotions, money, and her heart-space to her children every day, no matter what age they are or stage she is in.Some days are easier than others, but if you're like me, you're generally surprised at just how hard this motherhood job is.On one particularly difficult day, I couldn't help but get philosophical with God.God... why is this so hard? Why do I so often battle these feelings of overwhelm? Why do other more spiritually mature mothers seem to have their act together?As God spoke to me, I realized, motherhood is the forced death to one of two things.It's either death to your hope, or death to your selfishness.Why is motherhood so hard? A gospel look at mom life - Christ Centered Mama #christian #christianmotherhood #christianmom #christianparenting 

Death to your hope

Each disobedience, each inconvenience, and each stained shirt can really make a girl lose hope. One or two struggles a day? Maybe 5? I think most of us could handle it... but it isn't. During the really trying times, these stresses happen several times an hour. Thousands of times a day.Satan whispers in our ear: "It'll always be like this. Your kids are broken, and you're the reason why." And you might just believe him. But you shouldn't. Satan has a plan to keep you in the pits...Satan wants your hope to die, because he knows that a Christian with the Godly Hope that is provided to us on the Cross is a Christian of power (Colossians 1:4-5), confidence (Philippians 1:20), and perseverance. (Romans 8:24-25).So when our kids are pushing our buttons, where should our souls go instead? 

Death to your selfishness

Dying to your selfishness is a one-time event in salvation. If you admit to God what you already know - that you are sinful and unable to get to Heaven or live a holy life - that's the first step.Then, sanctification. That's a lifelong process. And it's painful.Just as Jesus called His disciples to carry their cross, so He calls mothers to carry theirs. (Mark 8:34-35)And when you allow the hard times of motherhood to grow your faith, you pass that resilience on to your children. Through God's grace, they might have open ears to the Gospel and walk alongside you in the Kingdom of Heaven.Just like every other lesson and law in the Bible, the command to carry your cross is for your own good.

Why would it be good to die to self?

When you mother for Christ, nurturing the physical and spiritual needs of your children turns an inconvenience into an opportunity to die to self. Every time you die to self, you become more like Christ. Every time you die to self, you gain an inheritance in eternal glory.We follow in Christ's footsteps in His constant death to self and glorification of the Father.

Why is motherhood so hard? A gospel look at mom life - Christ Centered Mama #christian #christianmotherhood #christianmom #christianparenting

See also: Self-Care for Christian Moms - Smart or Selfish?  [bctt tweet="Christ died to self. Christ laid down His will for the sake of His children. As a mother, I can too." username="christcentermom"]When your child pushes the envelope, don't allow Satan to tell you that your hope needs to die. Rather, die to self before you respond with the peace and boundaries your child needs.When you're feeling overwhelmed, undernourished, and poured out, take your burden to Christ. This glad death-to-self motherhood might just impact eternity. But most importantly, it will draw you close to Christ. 

For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have One who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet He did not sin.Hebrews 4:15

What about you?

Have you ever gotten philosophical with God? What's one of the hardest things you've faced in motherhood?  

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