Write for Christ-Centered Mama

Thank you for sharing your story!Christ-Centered Mama seeks to bring moms into a deeper faith, and we believe that blogging is a very effective means of spreading the Gospel as well as spurring believers on to a deeper faith.At Christ-Centered Mama, our passion is for women who are women who are seeking God's face in the midst of motherhood, pregnancy to empty-nesters.

Write for CCM

  1. Please provide an original piece, not appearing on any other blog or website (including your own).
  2. Christ-Centered Mama will promote your piece on social media and will make a Pinterest image for your article.
  3. Provide a 3 or 4 sentence biography of yourself that includes 2 Social Media channels of your own.  From these links, you will get traffic to either your blog, your social media, or both.
  4. Edits or elaborations to better fit the CCM audience might be required and will be done via email.

Guidelines for Writing

  1. Our audience responds well to short paragraphs, and powerful sentences. Format your writing in at least 4 headings. Recommended length is 600-1200 words
  2. At Christ-Centered Mama, we know that the Bible is the foundation for the life of a Christian and want to have one or more verses included in our writing. We strongly believe that the things that we say may fade away, but the word of God will never go out without accomplishing what God desires (Isaiah 55:11 AMP). Please include what translation of the Bible you are referring from.
  3. If you have your own blog, please make a “teaser” post (1-3 paragraphs on your own blog) that links to the guest post here on CCM.

If you wish to have your writing featured on Christ-Centered Mama, we are seeking writings on the following topics:

  1. How faith impacts how you raise your children
  2. Stories of God's faithfulness in hard times, and encouragement for moms to trust God
  3. Thoughts on pregnancy from a Christian perspective
  4. List-based articles and practical tips gleaned from God's Word on how to live for God
  5. Tips you have learned on how to improve your marriage
  6. Devotionals and thought-provoking writings about the Bible

Thank you so much for considering joining us in ministry!

Would you like to write for CCM?email sarah@christcenteredmama.com