3 Habits of Successful Stay At Home Moms

It goes without saying that success is hard to measure as a stay at home mom. It isn't as easily measured as a conventional career. There are few rewards, few breaks and few moments of silence.Many moms wonder if they will even survive. (You will.)Once you know the 3 Habits of Successful Stay at Home Moms you will be empowered to keep doing those everyday things......even without the breaks, rewards, or that golden silence we all crave.Those mundane tasks of everyday motherhood can really seem to cave in on the stay at home mom.If you regularly do the tasks you can feel like a slave to them. If you put them off, the mental (and physical) clutter takes over.Are you in a place where you can't seem to get from under the basic necessities of dishes, laundry and diapers and find a place for yourself to thrive? Have you moved from freedom to fret? From in charge to in over your head?  Are you in a place where you used to know where you were headed... but now you are simply scattered? That's not the feeling of successful motherhood. What happened? How did we miss the happy mother bus? I can hear you yell, 'Stop, I want to get on!', but the bus keeps going. 3 Habits of Successful Stay at home moms Christ Centered Mama Christian Motherhood Biblical Parenting Advice How to be a successful SAHM

I've been there!

One day I found myself wondering why I kept missing that bus. On that day I was again alone in my 2-bedroom apartment with my eczema-ridden, colicky first-born. He cried most of each day and I hadn't a babysitter, a neighbor, nor a friend that could help while my husband worked all day.When I looked around and it was just me and facebook, again, I realized that I needed to find solutions, not just to my crying baby issues, but to my heart issues. My heart issues were leading me to miss the happy mother bus. My inward issues, not my outward ones, were keeping me from being one of those successful stay at home moms.Dealing with my inner issues would make all the difference in my motherhood; not changes in my son's health, not changes in the hearts of those around me, not changes in any circumstance, but only changes in my inward man. 

Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, And in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.Psalm 51:6, NASB

 When we think about success we tend to think only about what's seen outwardly. How about what's going on inside of mom?Isn't it your thoughts, your feelings, your motivations, and your intentions that matter to God?Of course it is. God is interested in growing you from the inside out, not the other way around.[bctt tweet="God is interested in growing you as a mom from the inside out." username="christcentermom"] 

But seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added to you.Matthew 6:33, NASB

 Keep this in mind as we look at the 3 Habits of Successful Stay at Home Moms See also: Yes, Christian Mom, You Should Start A Christian Blog- 7 Reasons 

3 Habits of Successful Stay At Home MomsHabit #1 - Seek the Truth of God's Word

We must start at the foundation in order to understand our way.Proverbs 20:24 tells us that man's steps are ordained by the Lord, how then can man understand his way?Well we cannot fully know how to go about our day, how to care for our kids or how to grow inwardly without seeking God in His Word.As we make a daily habit of sincerely seeking to know Him, His purpose for us will become clear and bring stability.Open up your Bible everyday and read with a heart to know Him and He'll make it clear what your steps should be.See also: 7 Practical Tips to Teach Your Children the Bible from Deuteronomy 6:5-9  

3 Habits of Successful Stay At Home MomsHabit #2 - Seek the Truth about Ourselves

Every time we seek God in His Word God brings clarity to your mind about your own sins and your own intentions. This is automatic for the believer. What's not automatic is dealing with those sins and convictions.Moms have a lot of pressure to achieve Pinterest perfection.But the reality is that we are imperfect beings that like to look the other way when it comes to our own sins. When we make it a habit to seek out the truth about ourselves, to pray and repent of those things, God then begins to work in us and for us.This sometimes brings about the answers we so desperately need bringing back control to the chaos of our motherhood journey.  

3 Habits of Successful Stay At Home MomsHabit #3 - Seek the Truth of Reaching Others

When we are home all day and keeping mostly to the care of others, specifically others who may not be able to articulate to us much of anything, we tend to think more about ourselves. We go inward. But remember this is where the problem lied in the first place. If we are only having self-conversation and thinking how bad off we are, we will only continue in that way.3 Habits of Successful Stay at home moms Christ Centered Mama Christian Motherhood Biblical Parenting Advice How to be a successful SAHMThe 3rd habit of successful stay at home moms is to reach out to others.Seek ways you can help another mom, help at your church, help a missionary or a neighbor.If you feel you can't do anything (because you are caring for this little one), simply think of those around you who are in need and how you can pray for them. When we reach outside of our situation it will lead us to grow inwardly.And it's your inward growth that will lead you to be a successful stay at home mom. See also: 9 Lies Satan Whispers To You About Your Motherhood 

What about you?

Watching thriving moms in my own life and what they do regularly have lead me to these 3 Habits of Successful Stay at Home Moms. You probably also know, or are one of those moms that thrive in their motherhood. What other habits do you think lead to having a successful motherhood journey? 

About the Author

Rose Barnett Guest Blogger Christ-Centered Mama

Rose Barnett is a homeschooling mom, blogger and lover of all things nerdy. She knows what it means to struggle as a mom and now she now teaches the keys to having a successful motherhood journey over at rosebarnett.com. You can catch her reaching out to moms via Facebook and on Pinterest. *If you purchase a book from these recommendations (or purchase anything using the search bar), Christ-Centered Mama might receive a small commission from your purchase that will not affect your cost. Thanks for your support!*

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